mohit singh

junior year computer science undergraduate

I am a student at tulas institute with knack of making new things whether it be applications , games , web or music

I will be graduating in 2018 with a degree in computer science engineering currenty looking for internship.



A 2d physics based puzzle game involving collision detection and finger gesture recognition algorithms, made in unity engine with c#. The game is based on principle of ice hockey with the blend of music where it produces dynamic musical notes on every collision depending on collision intensity.

Reducing downtime on public bus system using gps and machine learning

A real-time tracking system for buses using Arduino, GPS and GSM shield and at a later stage machine learning (regression technique) to provide the user back his estimated time of arrival at his preferred bus stop. An express server is used to store the data in JSON accompanied by an android app at the user side.


A plugin for atom text editor that takes input from the user and fetches the relevant code from StackOver ow and return it to the editor.

Javascript based Tictactoe AI

A single player tic-tac-toe game based on minmax algorithm implemented in javascript.

Random Quote Machine

Web app to generate random quotes


An OPENGL based game written in c++ with keyboard control and collision detection feature.

other projects are availabe on github and codepen